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About Us

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HOUSE OF PATIENCE - (HOP) is a transitional program, founded by Adrian Guilford, who now serves as Executive Director (left),  to address a national public health crisis - the Opioid Epidemic, which is affecting our state, devastating our communities and tearing our families apart.  HOP utilizes an approach of transparency, partnerships and collaboration to address this crisis. Our mission is to provide a safe transitional housing program for chronically homeless persons and veteran men and women with their children.


In Southwest Philadelphia, PA where we are based, there is a great need for services for individuals that have been unable to find their way through the disease of

addiction, mental health issues and homelessness. We provide services to these people, who are chronically homeless, veterans, men or women with children, who have no other place to turn. We help them find their solutions and learn the skills they need to remain in recovery (if necessary) and to sustain a healthy lifestyle.


We achieve this through our structured delivery system and programs that are designed to empower and equip residents to meet the myriad of daily social, economic, and educational challenges confronting them. We target those who are at highest risk, such as those having a substance use history which has led to difficulties in many areas of their lives including family, work, legal, social, and spiritual issues.





Doing. Real. Empowering. Ambitious. Motivational. Success. Stories.



We believe all people can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

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Our Mission

To provide a safe transitional housing program for chronically homeless persons, veteran men and women with children.

Our Mission
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Our Vision

We envision a world where all disenfranchised people embrace who they are, define their future, and change their world.

We Need Your Support Today!

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